February 26, 2025

2025 SVCF Scholarship awarded to Miroslava Marinova, Purdue University

Congratulations to Miroslava Marinova, recipient of a 2025 SVC Foundation Scholarship. Miroslava has a BS from Cornell University and is studying for her PhD at Purdue University. She says, “My PhD research centers on optical metasurfaces and thin films, specifically transparent conducting oxides (TCOs). I have been involved in several different projects that would not have been possible without vacuum coating technology. My current focus is split between two projects: the first is a study on the ENZ-based enhancement of third harmonic generation (THG) in aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO). I consider the use of film thickness to tune the ENZ wavelength region and the potential physical causes for the resulting changes in THG enhancement. The second is a study on the ENZ-regime optical responses of ultrathin ZnO with varying crystallinity and possibly patterning.”

In addition to school, Miroslava interned at NASA LaRC each summer from 2018 to 2021. She says, “My research centered on resonant acoustic liners for sound suppression in airplane engines and included simulation, theoretical description, design, and testing of these liners. I gave presentations to communicate my work, created a liner design program still in use, and published a NASA Technical Memorandum on the subject.”

Looking to the future, Miroslava says, “I would like to have a career in academia or a government research laboratory. This would allow me to continue researching optics while leaving space for mentorship and interaction with younger researchers. I am interested in continuing research in light-matter interactions, especially in nonlinear optics and how materials can be structured and combined to enhance or tailor nonlinear effects.”

Mira thanked the SVC Foundation: “I wanted to thank you for your generosity in making this scholarship possible and helping me fund my education in optical metasurfaces and thin films. This scholarship means a lot to me because it will help me make the most of my opportunities here at Purdue.”

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