April 15, 2024

2024 J.A. Woollam Company Scholarship Awarded to Gareth Bellinger

Gareth received a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Physics at Queen’s University before attending McMaster University, where he is working on a Master of Applied Science in Material Science and Engineering.

His thesis investigates the characterization of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (diamond-like carbon) thin films deposited via plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD).

In his last year at Queen’s University, he completed an interdisciplinary engineering capstone project that spanned chemical, mechanical, and engineering physics backgrounds for the theoretical design of a carbon sequestration facility in the concrete industry for a Canadian-based client. He hopes to work in an industry that is focused on novel technologies and materials, specifically those related to renewable energy, thin-film applications, solid-state devices, or the advancement of sustainability practices.

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