Omer Yesilyurt, a PhD student at Purdue University, is recipient of the 2021 Don McClure Scholarship awarded by the SVC Foundation. Omer writes “As the recipient of the Donald McClure Scholarship from the Society of Vacuum Coaters Foundation, I wanted to offer my sincerest gratitude for this high honor and support to my research. Your generous donation will help me take my research one step further and bolster my reputation in academia for a brighter future career.” “Knowing that someone else cares about my research motivates me to strive extra hard for excellence.”

“My research focus is optics and my work often involves theory, simulation and experimentation on photonic and plasmonic structures. My research is at the nexus of optics, quantum physics, and artificial intelligence which requires high-quality materials, precise fabrication, and accurate optical measurements.”
“I use vacuum coating technologies to fabricate the highest quality materials and use ellipsometry to characterize them for cutting edge optics research. My long-term career plan includes the realization of two central alternative computing systems (quantum and optical). The initial research and products in these domains have already demonstrated the need for high-quality materials, which can only be fabricated using vacuum coating technologies.”